Japan: Import (product-based)

(interactive map)

Important: Be sure to check both general and product-based categories for relevant information. Product-based categories include parts and accessories unless otherwise specified. See disclaimer below and use independent care before relying on this information.

Animals and animal products (general)

A sanitary inspection certificate is required for shellfish, animals and certain animal products (including meat and viscera).

Eggs and egg products require a health certificate.

(Last updated on 2018-06-08)

Animals: Live

Prior approval/import permit is required for live animals.

(Last updated on 2014-03-28)

Animal products: Meat

A sanitary inspection certificate is required for meat.

General requirements for shipping meat and meat products (applicable to most countries):

(Last updated on 2018-06-07)

Animal products: Poultry

Eggs and egg products require a health certificate.

(Last updated on 2014-03-28)

Animal products: Seafood

Certain products, including shellfish, require a health certificate.

Specific certification requirements apply to tuna and swordfish.

(Last updated on 2014-03-28)

Animal feed and nutrients

Japan accepts the use of imported organic certified animal feed from countries that share an organic equivalency arrangement with it.

Special labeling requirements apply to pet food.

(Last updated on 2018-06-07)

Endangered species

This country is a member of CITES (Convention on Int'l Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora), an international agreement between governments.

(Last updated on 2022-04-22)

Plants and plant products (general)

An import license and a phytosanitary certificate are required for certain plants and perishable items.

Complex labeling regulations apply to food and agricultural products. For additional information see: Consumer Affairs Agency website.

A free sale certificate is required for pesticides and insecticides.

(Last updated on 2024-08-15)

Plants and plant products, including seeds, for use as food

An import license and a phytosanitary certificate are required for certain plants and perishable items.

Fresh produce is subject to seasonal duty rates.

Certain fruits and vegetables may not be imported in their raw form. Special certification is required for frozen fruits or vegetables which are prohibited in their raw form.

Peanuts must be free of aflatoxins and must be certified as such.

Powdered or dry agricultural products to be used in health foods must be accompanied by a manufacturer's statement attesting that the product has not been irradiated.

Rice (in bags) requires documentation stating that the bag was tested for lead and that no lead was detected.

Complex labeling regulations apply to food and agricultural products. For additional information see: Consumer Affairs Agency website.

(Last updated on 2019-01-16)

Food products (general)

Food imports are subject to strict standards and regulations. They must be in compliance with four laws:

An import license is required for perishable items.

Food products may require a Certificate of Analysis.

Ingredients of ruminant animal origin are prohibited from use in processed food products.

Labeling: Food products are subject to special labeling requirements including country of origin labeling. Labeling is regulated by the:

A free sale certificate may be required for food additives.

Note: Additional documentation and labeling may be required for food products.

(Last updated on 2024-07-31)

Food products: Processed/prepared food

Food imports are subject to strict standards and regulations. Importers of food, food additives, food packages, containers and apparatus must, according to Article 27 of the Food Sanitation Law submit an import notification to the:

Additional requirements:

(Last updated on 2019-08-30)

Food products: Additives, preservatives

Food imports according to Article 27 of the Food Sanitation Law are subject to strict standards and regulations.

A free sale certificate may be required for food additives.

(Last updated on 2018-08-01)


For beverages Country of origin labeling is required.

(Last updated on 2019-08-30)

Food storage, preparation and serving products

Food imports are subject to strict standards and regulations. Importer of food, food additives, food packages, containers and apparatus must submit import notification to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) according to Article 27 of the Food Sanitation Law. (This requirement applies to products imported for sale/business and not for personal use). For additional information see MLHW: Import Procedure under Food Sanitation Law.

(Last updated on 2018-08-01)

Pharmaceuticals (general)

All products covered by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Regulations must be approved prior to their sale to the public.

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Pharmaceuticals: Narcotics, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia

Imports of narcotics, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia are prohibited.

(Last updated on 2018-08-01)


Germs which are likely to be used for bio-terrorism are prohibited.

(Last updated on 2014-02-05)

Chemicals and chemical products (general)

Precursor materials for chemical weapons are prohibited.

A free sale certificate is required for pesticides and insecticides.

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Explosives are prohibited.

(Last updated on 2019-08-30)

Rubber and plastics, and products thereof

Special labeling requirements apply to plastic products.

(Last updated on 2020-04-19)

Textiles, apparel and other textile articles (general)

Fabrics require country of origin and special labeling requirements.

(Last updated on 2019-08-07)

Textiles and Apparel: Wearing apparel

Textiles are subject to prescribed labeling requirements.

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Certain leather footwear (HS 6403-6405) is subject to tariff quota.

(Last updated on 2017-11-03)

Precious metals, diamonds and gemstones

There are special requirements for precious metals and stones.

Rough diamonds may only be imported from countries participating in the Kimberley Process. This is a participating country. For more information see Kimberley Process.

(Last updated on 2022-08-31)

Machinery and appliances (general)

Special labeling requirements apply to specified machinery and electrical household appliances.

(Last updated on 2022-01-24)

Machinery and appliances: Electrical (line-powered)

Electrical products may be subject to the Electrical Appliance & Material Safety Act [DENAN Law - PSE mark] (mandatory approvals in Japan), or Consumer Products Safety Act (PSC mark) [amend. 05 Feb 2005] (mandatory approvals in Japan), or receive certification according to the Industrial Standards (JIS) (Sep 2018).

(Last updated on 2022-07-18)

Machinery and appliances: Electrically battery-powered

Special labeling requirements apply to specific types of electrical machinery and household appliances.

Certification is required for consumer electrical appliances and commercial electrical machinery.

Refer to:

(Last updated on 2022-07-16)

Machinery and appliances: Telecommunications equipment, radios, TVs, and RF devices

Generally applicable import requirements for telecommunications equipment (applicable for most countries):

For these products it is very important for an exporter to check requirements with a prospective importer before concluding the product sale and certainly before shipping product.

(Last updated on 2021-06-15)

Machinery and appliances, aerosols and other products containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

The Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances, such as aerosol that are responsible for ozone depletion. Because CFCs contribute to ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere, the manufacture of such compounds has been phased out under the Montreal Protocol, and is being replaced with other products such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), including R-410A.

(Last updated on 2024-08-26)

Medical devices and equipment

Regulatory agency: Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA). Registration with the PMDA is required.

Labeling: Labels for medical devices must be in Japanese.

This country participates in the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP).

(Last updated on 2024-12-02)

Arms and ammunition (general)

Imports of firearms; ammunition (bullets); pistols; and pistol parts are strictly prohibited.

Precursor materials for chemical weapons are prohibited to be imported.

(Last updated on 2019-08-30)

Media containing data, including books

Books, drawings, or any other article which may harm public safety or morals - that is, obscene or immoral materials or pornography - are prohibited from importation.

(Last updated on 2019-08-30)

Advertising materials, product manuals

Advertising materials may be admitted duty-free (incl. brochures, films, and photographs).

(Last updated on 2019-08-30)

Intellectual property

Any items or articles that infringe upon intellectual property rights are prohibited from importation.

Also see:

(Last updated on 2020-01-07)

Important: Exercise independent care before relying on information contained herein. Although we strive to ensure all information is correct and current, GISTnet assumes no liability for detrimental reliance on this information. Trade requirements may change with little or no prior notification, de-facto requirements in certain countries vary from official regulations, and particular shipments and/or importers may have special destination customs arrangements. We encourage you to check with the importer or its customs agent in the destination country for specific importation requirements for specific products and circumstances. We ask your help with feedback (cidb@gistnet.com) concerning information which may be outdated or incomplete.