Title: | Further Delay in ABI Air In-Bond Deployment |
Date: | 2009-02-28 |
To: | abi,acep,air |
Links: | previous, next |
Please Note: There has been a further delay in the ABI functionality described below. The deployment is now scheduled for Spring 2009. We will provide the deployment date as soon as it is available.
A revised CATAIR Chapter allowing ABI filers to submit/modify In-Bond movements for Air AMS was posted to the CBP website on February 2, 2009 at:
The new ABI Application Identifiers are QX and WX. This CATAIR Chapter is a modification to the current QP and WP CATAIR messages. The QX and WX will be in use until ACE M2.1 (MMM-AIR)is deployed (no sooner than Spring 2009). At that time all ABI in-bond functionality will be included in the QP and WP messages and the QX and WX messages will become obsolete.