Title: | Updated e-Manifest: Trucks Web Based Training Now Available |
Date: | 2010-04-15 |
To: | abi,acee,acep,truck |
Links: | previous, next |
An updated version of "e-Manifest: Trucks" Web-based Training (WBT) is now available for all truck carriers. U.S. Customs and Border Protection recommends that all new users and those who would like refresher training on filing a truck e-manifest take the updated WBT.
Listed below are the topics included in the updated "e-Manifest: Trucks" WBT.
Module 1: Course Navigation: Learn how to navigate through this Web-based training course.
Module 2: e-Manifest: Trucks: Learn how to file a manifest through the ACE Secure Data Portal, amend a manifest, designate a shipment type, arrive in-bonds shipments and much more.
To take the WBT, visit the "Training and Reference Guides" section on www.cbp.gov/modernization. The URL for the ACE Web Based Training is: