CSMS Message: 10-000108

Title:New Bond Activity Codes in ABI Importer/Bond Query
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ATTN: ABI Software Developers

On February 12, 2010 ACE introduced several new bond activity codes that could be stored in the system. At the time, the ABI Importer/Bond Query (application ID ‘KI’) did not return results for the new activity codes.

As of today, your ‘KI’ queries will return results for the new bond activity codes. The CATAIR has been updated, as shown below, to reflect the new Bond Activity Codes and their respective alphabetic code that will be returned:

Note 3

This field has a dual use. For continuous bonds (bond type 8), the field will contain an alphabetic code representing the activity code for the CBP Bond Form (CBPF 301).

Valid Bond Activity Codes are:

Code Equivalent Description
CBPF 301
Activity Code

A A1 Importer or Broker
B 1a Drawback payment refund
C 1a1 Combination 1 and 1a
D 2 Custodian of bonded merchandise
E 3 International Carrier
F 3a Instruments of International Traffic
G 3a3 Combination 3 and 3a
H 4 Foreign Trade Zone Operator
J 5 Public Gauger
K 11 Airport Security Bond
L 12 ITC Exclusion Bond
M 13 Immigration Bond
N 14 Miami In-Bond
O 15 IPR
P 16 ISF
Q 17 Marine Terminal Operator
R 18 Dog and Cat Act
S 19 Other 19
T 20 Other 20

The CATAIR Chapter titled Importer/Bond Query (Application Identifier KI)with the above changes will be posted to the CBP website in the near future. At that time, a CSMS Message will be issued.

The current chapter can be found on the CBP website at:


Referenced By

CSMS #10-000109