Title: | Extended ACE Outage this Weekend - October 30-31, 2010 |
Date: | 2010-10-28 |
To: | abi,truck |
Links: | previous, next |
In order to deploy the enhanced ACE capabilities within the ACE Entry Summary, Account and Revenue release, ACE will experience an extended outage this weekend.
The outage will begin at 22:00 EST on Saturday, October 30, 2010 until 07:00 EST on Sunday, October 31, 2010.
CBP requests that all ACE Entry Summary filers cease filing AE transactions at 21:00 EST on Saturday, October 30, 2010.
CBP does not anticipate the interruption of the filing of ACE Truck Manifest data beyond the normal maintenance window.
A CSMS message will be issued as soon as the deployment is concluded and ACE is available.