Title: | Changes to CAMIR for ACE Ocean Manifest |
Date: | 2011-10-26 |
To: | ocean |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Shortly, updated manifest related Interface Guideline chapters in the CAMIR standard will be published on the CBP website. The updates principally concern converting almost all optional records and elements to status ‘mandatory’ and ‘conditional’. We define mandatory as required to be supplied each and every time, no exceptions; conditional as required to be supplied if the user has the information; and optional as may or may not be supplied by the user even if he has the information.
There should be very few specifically defined optional records or elements in an input message.
The CAMIR chapters affected by the updates are:
Input to Customs and Border Protection
Supplemental Subsequent In-bond Application
In-bond and Vessel Departure/Arrival Message
Permit to Transfer
Other Changes:
CAMIR Automated Manifest Download:
I01 record: Bonded Carrier ID: add ‘N’ to the end of the Customs assigned number
Appendix H:
Truck error 013 and 343:
Change definitions and descriptions
It is not known exactly when the updates will be published.