CSMS Message: 12-000019

Title:Correction to Memorandum on Bond Requirements on Informal Entries
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FROM: Executive Director, Trade Policy and Programs

TO: Directors, Field Operations

SUBJECT: Correction to Memorandum on Bond Requirements on Informal Entries

The memorandum, Bond Requirements on Informal Entries, dated December 11, 2001, and Administrative Message ID: 02-0070, dated 01/14/2002 were written omitting the permissible use of a single transaction bond (STB) when a broker uses the CBP 3461 entry for release, followed by an entry summary. This memorandum is correcting those documents to allow for the use of an STB. The policy now reads:

Informal entries that are presented with estimated duties, taxes and fees, at the time of presentation are not required to have a bond. These informal entries are treated in the same manner that we treat live entries. This means that we collect the money then provide examination, if required, and then provide a release. When a broker/filer chooses to use the CBP 3461 entry for release, followed by an entry summary (CBP 7501) within 10 days, then either a continuous or single transaction bond is required. Additionally, these informals must be paid via ACH statement method.

A new Administrative Message will be sent. Questions regarding this notice can be addressed to William Scopa, Chief, Revenue Policy and Programs Branch, Office of International Trade via e-mail, william.r.scopa@dhs.gov or at 202-863-6554.


/Brenda B. Smith/

Referenced By

CSMS #59977281