Title: | Customs Brokers Webinar - June 21, 2012 |
Date: | 2012-06-18 |
To: | abi,acee,acep |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Customs Brokers - we need to hear from you on broker "bona fides." Participate in our Webinar on June 21 at 3pm EDT. For more information see our website at http://cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trade/trade_transformation/brokerregs.xml
CBP is conducting several public Webinars during the summer of 2012 to solicit comment and input on all facets of the broker regulations (19 CFR Part 111). This is part of CBP's “Role of the Broker” initiative, which looks to meaningfully transform the relationship between the customs broker and CBP.