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Title:Proclamation 9072: Korea FTA PSRs Updated, Israel FTA Agri Prod Extension, Andean Program
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Title: Proclamation 9072: Korea FTA PSRs Updated, Israel FTA Agri Prod Extension, Andean Programs Terminated, Mali & Curacao Preference

Presidential Proclamation 9072, published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, December 31, 2013, and
available at:

http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-12-31/pdf/2013-31373.pdf does the following:

• UKFTA: Modifies the Korea FTA product specific rules (PSRs) to bring them up to date in the 2014 HTSUS. (Annex II)

• ILFTA: Extends duty free entry of specific quantities of certain agricultural goods under the Israel FTA through December 31, 2014. (Annex I)

• ATPA/ATPDEA: All references to the Andean Trade Preference Act and the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (SPIs “J,” “J*” and “J+”) have been removed from the 2014 HTSUS. (Annex III)

• AGOA: Mali was reinstated as a beneficiary of the African Growth and Opportunity Act
(HTSUS GN 16(a)).

• CBERA/CBTPA: Curacao became eligible for the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (HTSUS GN 7(a). Curacao may become eligible for the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (HTSUS GN 17) subject to
publication of a determination by the USTR in the Federal Register.

• Chile FTA: Minor typographical type changes. (Annex IV)

The 2014 HTSUS is available on the USITC website at www.ustic.gov.

Questions concerning this posting may be directed to the Trade Agreements Branch at fta@dhs.gov.
