Title: | ACE Portal In-Bond Arrival and Export Enhancement – August 23, 2014 - Information Notice |
Date: | 2014-08-22 |
To: | abi,acee,acep,acer,air,ocean,partner,rail,truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will deploy an enhancement to the ACE Secure Data Portal's In-Bond Arrival and Export capabilities on August 23, 2014. Carriers with ACE portal access will be able to arrive, export and cancel in-bond transactions associated to Bills of Lading (BOL) with the carrier's Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC).
For more information about the In-Bond Arrival and Export Enhancement, please download a copy of the attached Information Notice. This information notice will also be posted to CBP.gov/ACE in the near future.