Title: | FDA Deletion of Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Product Codes |
Date: | 2015-04-06 |
To: | abi |
Links: | previous, original, next |
The Food And Drug Administration will be deleting the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research product codes below due to duplication. These product codes will be deleted effective 05/07/2015, and the use of these codes after that date will result in a data transmission error.
The duplicate codes below will be end-dated however each has a current corresponding product code which should be used in its place.
Duplicate to be End-Dated Currently Available Code
64L—74 Triamcinolone Acetonide 64L-61 Triamcinolone Acetonide
61X-02 Azatadine Maleate 61X-44 Azatadine Maleate
64F-20 Aprotinin (Enzyme) 64F-23 Aprotinin (Enzyme)
56J-22 Clindamycin Phosphate 56J-31 Clindamycin Phosphate
65V-55 Triazolam (Sedative) 65V-41 Triazolam (Sedative)
61N-79 Trimipramine Maleate 61N-63 Trimipramine Maleate
The following product codes will be deleted effective 05/07/15:
64L—74 Triamcinolone Acetonide
61X-02 Azatadine Maleate
64F-20 Aprotinin (Enzyme)
56J-22 Clindamycin Phosphate
65V-55 Triazolam (Sedative)
61N-79 Trimipramine Maleate
Please send any questions or concerns to the email address for the Product Code Builder Feedback PCBFeedback@fda.hhs.gov.