CSMS Message: 15-000229

Title:Updated ACE Air Manifest Information Posted to CBP.gov
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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has updated the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Air Import Manifest Change Log and the Update on Air Manifest Changes: ACE Deployment D - January Release article posted to CBP.gov, based on feedback received during ongoing Certification testing and for additional clarification of the information provided. These documents are part of the Customs Automated Manifest Interface Requirements (CAMIR) for Air and contain technical information necessary to electronically transmit air manifest to ACE.

To access the ACE Air CAMIR, change log and Deployment D article, please visit the “ACE Import Air Manifest” and the “Update on Air Manifest Changes: ACE Deployment D - January Release” pages of CBP.gov. You may also copy and paste the following URLs to your internet browser:

• Air CAMIR - http://www.cbp.gov/trade/ace/air-manifest
• Change Log - http://www.cbp.gov/document/guidance/air-import-manifest-change-log
• Deployment D – January Release Article - http://www.cbp.gov/trade/update-air-manifest-changes-ace-deployment-d-january-release

For ACE Air Manifest questions, please contact your assigned CBP Client Representative or the CBP Client Representative Outreach line at 571-468-5500.