Title: | Changes to the Importer Bond Query |
Date: | 2015-06-25 |
To: | abi |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Below are changes to the Importer Bond Query that will be deployed on July 18, 2015. The draft chapter can be found at:
1. Updated the Bond Amount field in the K1 record to return spaces instead of zeros when a bond does not exist.
2. Added a field to the KI for a Bond User Status Indicator, which will conditionally display this Importer of Record number's status as a user on a bond (Active or Terminated – blank if nothing). This is separate from the bond status.
3. Added a field to the KI for Bond User Termination Date, which will conditionally display if the Importer of Record number being queried exists as a user on a bond and has been terminated from that bond.
4. Added filler fields around items numbers 2 and 3
5. Update the Bond Sufficiency Indictor from Mandatory to Conditional – the trade may now receive a space in this field.