Title: | ACE In-Bond Information and Guidance |
Date: | 2015-07-30 |
To: | abi,acee,acep,acer,air,cue,export,newace,ocean,partner,rail,tran,truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) does not allow carriers to delete an in-bond/Bill of Lading (BOL)once the in-bond has been arrived at the destination port or has been exported. If a type 61 (IT) or type 62 (T&E) in-bond has been arrived and/or exported at in-bond destination by either the trade or manually by a CBP Officer(CBPO), then that in-bond/BOL cannot be deleted until a CBPO un-arrives and/or un-exports that in-bond in ACE. The same would be true of type 63 (IE) in-bonds, but only if the in-bond has been exported by either the trade or manually by CBP. Ports at the port of destination or export will have to un-arrive and/or un-export these if the trade needs to update either the in-bond or the BOL.