CSMS Message: 15-000655

Title:Request for Additional PGA Pilot Participants
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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is continuing to pilot new Partner Government Agency (PGA) integration capabilities in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). CBP is now conducting pilots with thirteen PGAs, who regulate the admissibility of cargo and collect trade data at time of entry or entry summary filing. The participating PGAs include:

• Agriculture Marketing Service
• Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (Lacey Act)
• Food Safety and Inspection Service
• National Marine Fisheries Service
• Enforcement & Compliance
• Defense Contracts Management Agency
• Food and Drug Administration
• Centers for Disease Control
• Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
• Directorate of Defense Trade Controls
• National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
• Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
• Environmental Protection Agency

CBP is conducting pilots with the PGAs and the trade community to ensure the successful processing of electronic PGA data transactions in ACE, using the PGA Message Set and Document Image System (DIS). The PGA pilots will facilitate full implementation of the Single Window initiative, which was mandated by a Presidential Executive Order, signed on February 19, 2014, to streamline import and export processes for America's businesses.

CBP is currently using a controlled phased approach for the rollout of the PGA Pilots at selected ports to allow for a period of close monitoring of transactions and enable CBP and trade to identify and correct issues during this process. CBP is seeking additional test filers to participate in the PGA Pilots to maximize success and ensure readiness and compliance prior to the upcoming ACE Mandatory Use Dates.

For information on participating on the PGA Pilots, please review the ACE PGA Pilot Rollout Plan posted in the “PGA Integration” tab of the “ACE Features” page of CBP.gov/ACE. You may access the page directly by using the following URL: http://www.cbp.gov/trade/ace/features