Title: | ACE Entry Summary rejecting PU2 PGA DATA MSNG FOR HTS - NO ACTION REQD |
Date: | 2015-11-20 |
To: | abi,partner |
Links: | previous, original, next |
ACE Entry Summary (AE transactions) filed with ACS Cargo release are incorrectly receiving a reject on the AX ACE Entry Summary Response) with the code
This rejection of the AX is incorrect. This should only be a Warning to the filer. The intent is to identify for trade the HTS codes that will need to be filed with PGA data when the filer transitions their filings to ACE Cargo Release in the future.
The fix for this to revert back to being simply a warning will move to ACE Production with the deployment referenced in CSMS 15-000865 Saturday at 2200 EST.
Steps the filer can take if they get this message
If the filer has time, wait and re-send the ACE Entry Summary with the ACS Cargo Release certification after the PROD deployment concludes.
OR if the filer can't wait
The filer can file via the ACS Entry Summary (EI transaction) certified for ACS Cargo release
The filer can file 3461 data via the ACS Cargo Release transaction (HI or HN), and then file the ACE entry summary (AE) separately.
CBP regrets this inconvenience.