Title: | UPDATE: CSMS# 15-000868-ACE PRODUCTION Outage on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 0600-0630ET |
Date: | 2015-11-23 |
To: | abi,acep,air,newace,ocean,partner,rail,truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
UPDATE to CSMS# 15-000868: Please be advised that there will be an ACE PRODUCTION deployment on Tuesday morning, November 24, 2015 at 0600-0630 ET. This deployment will impact ACE Cargo Release and Entry Summary processing.
To be deployed:
• ACE-ITDS changes to fix issues that impact the ability to receive, parse, store, and provision PGA data submitted on Entries; and exchange event data with PGAs
• CES-2418: For Events, the filer code should come from the B-Record
• CES-2711/Tickets 1913196, 2066416: ACE-AE data is NOT Writing over to ACS
• CES-2884: Entry Summary validations not catching errors causing Quota exception
• CES-2842: If an IR# does not have a suffix, 00 should be appended before creating the BN_EDI. Also for 4811 #
• CES-3193: FTZ Filing Date Not Parsed Correctly