CSMS Message: 15-000918

Title:FDA ACE Pilot Update and communication plan
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This notice is being issued to provide an update to brokers, filers, and importers regarding upcoming outreach and communication activities, changes that have been made to make it easier and simpler to participate in FDA's Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Pilot, and upcoming deadlines.
Communication Plan and Outreach

1. Yesterday, December 8, FDA released a video conveying the importance of participating in the pilot and encouraging all brokers and filers to begin filing entries through ACE as soon as possible. This video can be seen at www.cbp.gov/BIEC or www.cbp.gov/ACE.

2. On December 10, FDA, along with U.S. Customs Border and Protection (CBP), will host a webinar to discuss changes to our current process for participating in the FDA ACE Pilot and the data that are required to be filed at the time of entry for admissibility. Information regarding this event and future events can be found at www.cbp.gov/BIEC or www.cbp.gov/ACE.

FDA ACE Pilot Participation Process

It is imperative that you begin using ACE and participate in the pilot. For that reason FDA has made changes to the pilot process which will make it simpler and easier to begin participating in the pilot. This change is in place today.

1. FDA has removed the requirement of completing and submitting the data element template as a condition of participating in the pilot. Nonetheless, FDA will provide a template to help trade on the data elements needed to facilitate the entry filed. There is no need to have this data pre-validated by FDA, but if requested, FDA will provide guidance and support to trade to answer any questions.

Questions related to these changes, can be submitted to FDA's Division of Import Operations at FDAImportsInquiry@fda.hhs.gov or to the Division of Compliance Systems at ACE_Support @FDA.HHS.GOV.
Important Dates

February 28, 2016: The CBP's Automated Commercial System (ACS) will not be available. Beginning March 1, 2016: All FDA cargo release information will need to be filed through ACE.