CSMS Message: 16-000124

Title:FDA's Import Trade Auxiliary Communication System (ITACS)is Unavailable
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FDA has become aware that ITACS is currently inaccessible. Users get an “Error 404—Not Found” message when attempting to navigate to https://itacs.fda.gov. Technicians are actively working to resolve this issue as soon as possible, and a follow up CSMS message will be sent once this occurs.

Should you have any questions about this problem, please send them to itacssupport@fda.hhs.gov . Note that this support desk cannot accept documents or location of goods submissions. Those will need to be provided to local FDA at the port of entry via their preferred alternate means. Contact information for all FDA Import Offices can be found here: http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/ImportProgram/ucm319216.htm .

Referenced By

CSMS #16-000125