Title: | EPA Webinar on ACE Pilots on 3/8 1-2pm |
Date: | 2016-03-08 |
To: | acee |
Links: | previous, original, next |
This is a friendly reminder that on Tuesday, March 8th from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET , BIEC EEC will host a webinar with the U.S Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) to discuss details of the testing importing EPA-related Pesticides and Pesticidal Devices. Topics to be discussed will be an over view of the pilots including those that are and are not limited to 9 or fewer importers and exporters, lessons learned, test filings in the CBP certification environment, pilot filings/shipments in production, and questions and answers.
Please send questions regarding the EPA-CBP ACE pilot to Traderelations@cbp.dhs.gov in advance. Please enter EPA/ACE Pilot in the subject line of your email.
Please find below, the links for the Webinar for Pesticides.
To Register: https://apps.cbp.gov/te_reg/index.asp?w=65
To Cancel a Registration: https://apps.cbp.gov/te_reg/cancel.asp?w=65