CSMS Message: 16-000320

Title:Submission of PGA Forms Through DIS Until ACE Mandatory
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Submission of PGA Forms Through DIS Until ACE Mandatory Deadlines

This message applies to ACE Cargo Release filers and applies only for an interim period from now until the ACE PGA message set and/or Document Image System (DIS) becomes mandatory for Partner Government Agencies’ (PGA) data. The below listed PGAs are now allowing the submission of the attached list of forms to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the appropriate agencies through DIS for ACE Cargo Release filers.

The following agencies have agreed to allow their forms to be submitted via DIS during the course of their pilots until the ACE mandatory dates:

• Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)
• Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
• Environmental Protections Agency (EPA)
• Fish and Wild Life Service (FWS)
• National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Please see the attached list of PGA Forms added to the list of forms that are allowed in DIS when filing ACE Cargo Release entries. Also, please note that the PGA forms that require approval and/or signature by the PGA must obtain the approval/signature from the PGA prior to submitting the form in DIS. Those forms requiring PGA approval prior to submission in DIS are indicated by an asterisk in the attached forms list. These forms include the ATF Release & Receipt of Imported Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War Form (6A) and the EPA Notice of Arrival of Pesticides and Devices Form (EPA 3540-1). Also, the ATF Form 6A no longer needs to be signed by CBP and mailed to ATF if the form is submitted through DIS. In addition, the EPA Form 3540-01 mentioned above does not need to be signed by CBP. Unless deemed necessary, there is no requirement for CBP to print out the submitted forms from DIS.

During this interim period, filers do not have to submit the forms in paper to CBP. Filers need only to upload the PGA forms via DIS in order for CBP to verify the PGA requirements have been met.

Filers participating in PGA pilots may still submit the required data via the PGA message set. This interim DIS policy is merely providing the option for Cargo Release filers to submit the attached set of PGA forms in DIS until the data captured in those forms will be required to be submitted through the PGA message set.

Please note that when all ACE mandatory dates are implemented, all filers will have to conform to the PGA message set and/or DIS requirements set forth by each PGA. For example, the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA) filings are currently mandatory in ACE, and the HS-7 Declaration data must be transmitted with the PGA message set, so the HS-7 does not qualify for submission through DIS. Should you have any questions please contact International Trade Specialist Daniel Collier at 202-863-6225.
