CSMS Message: 17-000052

Title:Information on DEA Final Rule implementing ITDS
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On January 30, 2017, the Office of the Federal Register published a notice informing the public that the effective date for the Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) final rule implementing the International Trade Date System (ITDS) would be delayed until March 21, 2017. Compliance with the revisions to DEA regulations contained in the final rule, however, will not be mandatory until July 31, 2017. The rule, once effective, will update DEA regulations for the import and export of tableting and encapsulating machines, controlled substances, and listed chemicals, to permit importers and exporters to file the required information electronically with CBP.

The delay comes as the DEA seeks to comply with the White House Chief of Staff memorandum issued on January 20, 2017, which required the effective date of all published final rules, that had not yet gone into effect, to be delayed for 60 days. For more information, please reference the rule at 82 FR 8688(https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/01/30/2017-01976/revision-of-import-and-export-requirements-for-controlled-substances-listed-chemicals-and-tableting)