Title: | EPA HTS Code Flagging Update and Reminders |
Date: | 2017-02-13 |
To: | abi,newace,partner |
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EPA HTS Code Flagging Update and Reminders.
In an ongoing effort to keep the EPA HTS Code flagging adequate for filers, some changes to the EPA flags were made on 2/9/2017 in ACE by CBP (see CSMS #17-000072). Please keep in mind, the importer is responsible for knowing what to file, regardless of whether a tariff code has been flagged.
• 10 HTS codes had flags removed for EPA
• 61 HTS codes had flags for EPA changed from “Required” to “May Be Required” to allow for disclaims
Paper filings and disclaims: Submission of paper documents is allowed for filers not using the complete PGA Message Set. However, for a filer proceeding without the PGA Message Set, if filing via DIS or Paper, the EPA expects a disclaim reason code of C (DIS) or D (Paper).
Questions on what to file: For questions regarding which imports require which EPA filing requirements, please contact the following:
V&E Hotline: imports@epa.gov
TSCA Hotline: tsca-hotline@epa.gov
Pesticides Regional Import Coordinators: https://www.epa.gov/compliance/regional-contacts-questions-concerning-notices-arrival-epa-form-3540-1