Title: | ACE PRODUCTION Deployment, Thurs Feb. 16,2017 @0500ET,impact ACE CargoRelease & EntrySumm |
Date: | 2017-02-15 |
To: | abi,newace,partner |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Please be advised that there will be an ACE PRODUCTION deployment on Thursday morning, February 16, 2017, from 0500-0700 ET.
The deployment is expected to take approximately 30 minutes, and will impact ACE Cargo Release and ACE Entry Summary processing.
To be deployed:
Entry Summary
• CES-6417: Improve eCERT query performance for Haiti - Query 1
• Ticket 7121152/CES-6538: Informal entry type 11 received error message for Informal entry type 23
• CES-6784: Unconditionally allow ABI Entry Summary (JC) Query for Surety Filers
• Infrastructure maintenance.