CSMS Message: 17-000112

Title:ACE PRODUCTION ACR & PGA Deploy, Thur Mar. 2,2017 @0500ET,impact ACE CargoRel & EntrySumm
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Please be advised that there will be an ACE PRODUCTION deployment of ACE Cargo Release and PGA items on Thursday morning, March 2, 2017, from 0500 - 0700 ET, which will impact ACE Cargo Release and ACE Entry Summary processing.

To be deployed:

• PGAD-Implement six (6) AMS rules related to zip code.
o For AMS marketing order (MO1 and MO5) and peanut (PN1) programs, the current business rules check that a zip code is provided. However, AMS noticed that trade did not consistently provide a zip code that was 5 digits. The update to the business rules related to zip code for the marketing order and peanut programs will now check that a zip code is provided and that it is at least 5-digits long.

• PGAD-14533-Entries with NMFS 370 data are incorrectly being rejected (PH3 error) despite the electronic image indicator being provided
o For some National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 370 program (Tuna Tracking and Verification) filings, trade is properly providing the electronic image indicator in position 17 of the PG01 record to indicate that electronic images for NMFS are provided for this entry and the entry is being rejected for ‘MISSING ELECTRNIC IMGE INDICATOR PER PGA’. The fix being deployed will prevent these filings from being incorrectly rejected.

• PGAD-14518-For FDA drug entries, when claiming UNK as the IUC there are no required AoCs
o Based on FDA's final rule, when claiming UNK (unknown) as the intended use code (IUC), there are no required Affirmation of Compliance Codes (AoCs). The fix being deployed will prevent any filings from being incorrectly rejected for missing AoCs under this scenario.

• PGAD-14522-FDA PN Entries Released without Required AoCs.
o FDA FOO entries that require Prior Notice that are submitted with a manufacturer entity in the PG19, were incorrectly being released without at least one of the following: (1) PG23 record with the PFR (Manufacturer's Food Facility Registration Number) Affirmation of Compliance Code (AoC) or (2) PG23 with FME (Food Processing Facility Registration Exemption) AoC. The fix being deployed will prevent these filings from incorrectly being accepted without the required AoCs.

• PGAD-14541- Update Spec Rule to NOT reject if intended use code description is not provided.
o Previously, per the PGA CATAIR, if an intended use code of 980.00 was provided, an intended use code description was required. The rule enforcing this is being removed in tomorrow's deployment. The PGA CATAIR will be updated at a future date to indicate that the description is no longer required if an intended use code of 980.000 is provided.

ACE Cargo Release
• SE-8582, 8579: Truck: Process truck events in correct sequence to ensure release of entry
• SE-8634: Fix issue with miscellaneous XR (Expedited Release) message failures by allowing system retries
• SE-8265, 8378: Reject entries with no SCAC and bill coming in with 0's and NONE
• SE-8550: Reject informal entries with entry value greater than 2499 irrespective of Consignee Id (new validation rule with rejection text TOTAL VALUE FOR ENTRY EXCEEDS 2499)
• SE-8205: Ticket# 2714291: SX Issue: NO CORRECTION AFTER ARRIVAL AND RELEASE but Cargo has not arrived.
• SE-8488, 8545: Handcarry Issue (MOT 60): Notification - Entry manually released but goes back to admissible. EntryReplace for MOT 60 is removing entry from released state and setting it to Admissible state. Update rules to ensure EntryReplace doesn't remove the release. But if an entry replace has a UDR hit, entry should go to intensive/document required.
• SE-8534: EditReleaseDate event for non-AMS entries should not check if entry is releasable. Entries were going back to admissible when a user edited the release date in the UI.
• SE-8536: Entry Type 06, event EditReleaseDate, elctd_entry_dt_cd=A sets release date to null. Entries were going back to admissible when a user edited the release date in the UI.
• SE-8556: Split Clock Validation should not be performed for ACAS (Air Cargo Advanced Screening) or non-split bill.
• SE-8637: Update validation rule "An Add/Replace transaction is submitted with a line item that has a tariff number that is not on file" to validate data against Tariff table instead of Commodity.
• SE-8647: Release Date should not take into account Entry File date for an update or replace entry when calculating release date.