Title: | ACE Statements CERTIFICATION deployment, this morning, June 20, 2017 |
Date: | 2017-06-20 |
To: | abi,newace |
Links: | previous, original, next |
The following ACE Statements items deployed this morning to the ACE Certification environment at 0600 ET:
* [CST-1968] - Fixed return of incorrect error condition, "MSD – Filer Not Authorized for Stmt Reqd" to trade in response to a valid MO (Periodic Monthly Statement--Request Reroute) request. The correct condition code should have been "MSA-TOTAL NUMBER OF REROUTES" and the statement number.
* [CST-2013] A trade user when viewing his statement shall see the date payment was applied for auditing purposes. Final statements shall show the Paid date when the payment applied for auditing purposes.
* [CST-1771] Program change required for "PF"(Daily Statement) CATAIR's Q2 Record (output detail payment record) for Census Warning Indicator and Electronic Invoice Indicator.
– The Electronic Invoice Indicator (Q2 position 59) and the Census Warning flag (Q2 position 61) have been changed to filler for the PF - Q2 record for statement reporting. The “Z” and ST columns are removed from the printed version of the PF statements. CATAIR document is forthcoming indicating this change.
CSMS #17-000374