Title: | ACE CERTIFICATION Outage, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 @ 1700 ET to 2000 ET |
Date: | 2017-06-28 |
To: | abi,acep,acer,air,export,newace,ocean,partner,rail,truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Please be advised that there will be an ACE CERTIFICATION Outage this evening, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 from 1700 ET to 2000 ET for the following ACE Deployment:
ACE Import Manifest
• CAOM-11269: Air CAMIR AGT line rejected FIRMS code with AAAN format.
ACE Entry Summary & Document Imaging System (DIS)
• CAOM-7737: UC7 (Entry Summary Status Notification message: Disposition Type "Document Receipt Acknowledgement") was not being sent for DIS documents.
When documents are received in DIS, and contain a Validation Activity (VA) Action Identifier, a UC7 message should be sent to Trade with the Action Identification Number in the output E2 record, position 49-60.
ACE Accounts Portal
• CAOM-11478: Ticket# 2334951: Restrict Date of Birth (DOB) information from all users' view after an account is created.
• CAOM-9919: Provide Accounts UI capability for authorized users to reset Pending or Denied "Reports Access Requests" for an EIN.
• CAOM-11299: Update OMB number on CF28 (CBP form for "Request for Information").