Title: | ACE PRODUCTION PGA Deployment, Tues Aug 1, 2017 @ 0500, impact ACE CargoRel & EntrySumm |
Date: | 2017-07-31 |
To: | abi,newace,partner |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Please be advised that there will be an ACE PRODUCTION deployment on Tuesday morning, August 1,
2017, during the 0500 - 0700 ET window, which will impact ACE Cargo Release and ACE Entry Summary processing.
To be deployed:
• PGAD-15247- DEA-PROD- On August 1, enforce DEA HTS flagging with a reject severity
• PGAD-15233- Remove DEA Doc ID codes from DIS PROD on 8/1/17
• PGAD-15198- EPA- PROD- Put Auto Docs Required for EPA Pesticide filings when trade submits either disclaim code C or disclaim code D