CSMS Message: 17-000507

Title:FDA Soliciting Feedback on Upcoming Produce Sampling Assignments
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In FY2014 the FDA implemented to a new approach for microbiological sampling as part of FDA's overall sampling strategy; an approach that is both proactive and preventive in focus. This approach will help increase FDA's understanding of the sources of contamination in food so that we can more effectively allocate resources to address public health risks.
The microbiological surveillance sampling model involves focusing surveillance sampling resources on foods with knowledge and data gaps, collecting a statistically significant number of samples over a shorter period of time, typically 12 to 18 months, that can proactively identify public health risks, and establishing standardized, transparent, and collaborative processes and communications.
FDA is currently preparing to initiate the next group of microbiological surveillance sampling program assignments. The FY2017/2018 assignments will focus on processed avocados/guacamole and fresh herbs, specifically cilantro, basil, and parsley. Detailed draft information on the assignment implementation can be found in the attached one-pagers.
The FDA is working to engage stakeholders earlier and more frequently throughout the assignment development process. This is a continuous improvement process and FDA welcomes constructive feedback. The outreach at this point in involves sharing information with key external stakeholders as a final step in the assignment development process. The intent of this outreach is to provide information about the upcoming assignments to key stakeholders and identify any major concerns.
The outreach team is soliciting feedback to ensure that sample collection is done as effectively and efficiently as possible. Constructive feedback could include, but is not limited to, recommendations on how to increase efficiency of sample collection, input on any anticipated challenges with sample collection for each assignment/commodity, feedback on additional factors that we should take into account when reviewing the results of this assignment (e.g. domestic/import, country/state, season, variety), input on existing sampling information or research on these commodities (including academia, industry, state sampling) that we could take into account, feedback on any food safety initiatives or industry practices specific to these commodities (e.g. marketing order), input on additional groups/organizations that should be included in this outreach, or any major concerns that FDA could take into consideration for the processed avocados/guacamole and fresh herbs sampling assignments.
FDA is requesting feedback be sent to FDAFutureStateEngagement@fda.hhs.gov no later than September 1, 2017.
FDA will review the stakeholder input, determine if any updates should be incorporated into the assignments, and finalize the assignments. The FDA will then provide final assignment information to external stakeholders prior to assignment execution.
