CSMS Message: 17-000511

Title:Info Notice for September Capabilities and New Date for December Statements Deployment
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Details regarding the September 16, 2017 deployment of Non-ABI Entry Summary/Lineless (for CBP only), Duty Deferral, e214 (electronic Foreign Trade Zone admission) and Manufacturer ID Creation on September 16, 2017 has also been posted and can be found in the Deployment G2 Information Notice located under the news section at www.cbp.gov/ace or by copying the following link into your browser (https://www.cbp.gov/trade/automated/news/ace-deployment-g2-information-notice).

Additionally, the December deployment of Statements capabilities (Deployment G, Release 3) has been moved to December 9, 2017. The date was revised from December 16 to December 9 to better align with the Periodic Monthly Statement schedule. Further information may be found in the Statements Information Notice located under the news section at www.cbp.gov/ace or by copying the following link into your browser (https://www.cbp.gov/trade/automated/news/statements). This revision does not impact the schedule for the other Deployment G releases.

The current phased deployment schedule is as follows:

September 16, 2017 – Non-ABI Entry Summary/Lineless (for CBP only), Duty Deferral, e214 (electronic Foreign Trade Zone admission) and Manufacturer ID Creation

December 9, 2017 – Statements

February 24, 2018 – Reconciliation, ACE Core Drawback and Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (TFTEA) Drawback, Liquidation, and Automated Surety Interface (ASI)