Title: | ACE PRODUCTION Cargo Release Deploy, Thurs 9/14/2017 @0500ET,impact CargoRel & EntrySummr |
Date: | 2017-09-13 |
To: | abi,newace |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Please be advised that there will be an ACE Cargo Release deployment in the ACE Production environment on Thursday morning, September 14, 2017, during the 0500 - 0700 ET window, which will impact ACE Cargo Release and ACE Entry Summary processing.
To be deployed:
• SE-8904: A/B records on SO (Status Notification) messages were not being populated with the original A/B values after trade submitted the entry via EDI and then the Cargo Release entry was manually edited.
• SE-8743: Fix port match logic with Entry Summary when port changes.
• SE-8801: Ticket# 8882450: When a previously released entry is replaced and the release date changes, send an updated release date to the entry summary system.