Title: | ACE Importer Security Filing (ISF) issues RESOLVED |
Date: | 2017-09-19 |
To: | abi |
Links: | previous, original, next |
CBP successfully deployed Importer Security Filing (ISF) ABI filings to ACE Production over the weekend on 9/17/17.
Beginning on Monday, 9/18/17, some messages back to the trade experienced delays; this has been Resolved. Additionally, the ISF application experienced processing issues this morning, Tuesday, 9/19/17. That too has now been Resolved and all messaging is currently caught up.
If you find that you have missed receiving an ISF response for anything filed today, 9/19/17, please resubmit the transmission. Please report any outstanding issues with ISF filings through ABI to your assigned Client Representative.
CSMS #17-000598