Title: | ACE Truck: New Validation for Driver Date of Birth |
Date: | 2017-10-06 |
To: | truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Please be advised that the ACE Truck Manifest System will be adding a new validation for Date of Birth upon trade Adding or Updating a Crew member account using an EDIFACT Standard MEDPID message. This validation will not be checked when deactivating a crew account.
The Crew Member Date of Birth is a field to be specified in data element C507:2380 of the DTM (Date/Time) segment at position 0180, of the MEDPID Create, Update and Deactivate Crew, Conveyance and Equipment message set; its Implementation Guide can be found in the CBP.gov web site at the following link:
The following error conditions (invalid driver age and future birth date) shall be validated and returned in the MEDPID Response message, where the ‘&’ character will be substituted with the rejected input birth date received from the MEDPID ADD/UPDATE Crew message:
Error Number Text
026 Birth date & is greater than 100 years old
027 Birth date & cannot be greater than system date