Title: | New ADCVD Universes in ACE Reports Transition Date Extended to May 24, 2018 |
Date: | 2018-05-18 |
To: | abi,acep,acer,edi,export,newace,ocean,rail,truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
CBP has deployed two new ADCVD universes (ADCVD – NEW and ADCVD Reference) that have been available in parallel with the current ADCVD universe. Please note that the reports previously labeled ES-103, ES-105, ES-106, ES-107, and ES-108 have been relabeled as REF-201, REF-202, REF-203, REF-204, and REF-205 respectively.
The transition date from the current ADCVD universe to these two universes has been extended to Thursday, May 24, 2018. The “ADCVD-NEW" tab will be renamed to “ADCVD” on this date. If you have created and saved any ad-hoc reports for the current universe, please recreate them for use in this new universe before May 24, 2018.
Please e-mail ace.reports@cbp.dhs.gov with any questions.