CSMS Message: 18-000421

Title:Identifying Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Order Third Country Case Numbers in ACE
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Information on Identifying Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Order Third Country Case Numbers in ACE

Antidumping and Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) orders generally cover products from the country identified in the AD/CVD order. In some cases, however, merchandise produced in the country of an AD/CVD order may undergo further processing in a third country prior to export or sale to the U.S. Despite the further processing that occurs in the third country, the merchandise may remain subject to the AD/CVD order from the original country. In such circumstances, for AD/CVD purposes, these goods fall under the scope of the order of the original country, yet for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) purposes, these goods could be classified under the CBP country of origin of the third country where the further processing occurred.

In the entry summary information submitted to CBP, the country of the AD/CVD case number must match the CBP country of origin. To ensure that importers properly report such entries from a third country as subject to AD/CVD, while still reporting them properly for CBP purposes, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) establishes third country AD/CVD case numbers associated with the relevant AD/CVD order and CBP country of origin.

Guidelines for Identifying Third Country AD/CVD Case Numbers in ACE

When establishing the third country AD/CVD case numbers in ACE, Commerce adheres to the following guidelines to help importers identify subject merchandise entering the U.S. from a third country. The third country case name and short description in ACE are consistent with the Case Name and Short Description of the relevant AD/CVD order. For the third country case number, at the end of the Short Description and Official Case Name there is also a reference to the country of the relevant AD/CVD order. Please see the example in the chart attached to this message.

In the attached example, merchandise produced in China is further processed in Lithuania. After the further processing, the merchandise still falls under the antidumping duty Order on solar cells from China, but for CBP purposes, now has a CBP country of origin of Lithuania. In order for importers to properly report the import of this merchandise to CBP, Commerce created the third country case number A-451-988 to correspond to the antidumping duty Order on solar cells from China, and the CBP country of origin of Lithuania.

For questions on third country AD/CVD case numbers in ACE, contact the Call Center for the Office of AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce at (202) 482-0984.
