CSMS Message: 18-000480

Title:Updated Implementation Guides for ACE Manifest and ABI Queries
Links:previous, original, next

The following implementation guides (IG’s) have been recently updated:

Draft CQ Query (Cargo Release, Manifest, and Entry Release Query) IG link:

• Output WN1 (Arrival, Destination, Diversion, Load port and date) records for Air waybills.
• Now available in the ACE Certification environment for Trade testing, with a proposed Production date of 9/15/2018.

Air CAMIR Appendix A: Codes link:

• Error 127 (Correction Part Ind Not =Equal Original) has been added back. It was erroneously removed previously.

EDIFACT Truck Manifest Customs Response Message (CUSRES) Status Notification IG link:

• Corresponding 2018 Record of Changes is at: https://www.cbp.gov/document/guidance/2018-record-changes-ansi-x12-and-unedifact
• SN121 (Request for In-bond Diversion Granted) notification are generated at the shipment level ERC (0660) segment, and not the trip level ERC (0210) segment.

FQ Query (Extract Reference Query) IG link:

• Removed F112 (Import Specialist Team Assignment) input and output records and errors.
• Added error 005 (Street Address Not on File) for F111 (FIRMS) query.

Referenced By

CSMS #18-000519