Title: | ACE PRODUCTION Cargo Release Deployment, Tuesday 2/5/2019 @0500ET |
Date: | 2019-02-04 |
To: | abi,air,newace,ocean,rail,truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Please be advised that there will be an ACE PRODUCTION Cargo Release deployment on Tuesday morning, February 5, 2019, during the 0500 - 0700 ET window, which will impact ACE Cargo Release and ACE Entry Summary processing.
To be deployed are EDI SO messaging items:
• Ticket# 11337674 - Entry types 21 and 22 must include release suspended disposition in an SO status message if a release is removed.
• Determine what should be sent with Notes in SO messaging to trade
(When a note is added from the Cargo Release UI screen, the last SO message sent to the filer is retrieved with the latest note. The dates on the A and Z record for the new SO message still showed the date of the older SO message. This fix ensures the date on A and Z record on the latest SO has current date.)
• Update record count in Y record in SO when notes are sent from cargo release UI.