CSMS Message: 19-000076

Title:PENDING CORE Privilege Applications
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Drawback claimants are advised that pending CORE privilege applications with a claim under 19 CFR part 191 on file before 2/24/19 will be processed, as filed, under 19 CFR 191. Once approved, they will be applicable to pending CORE claims under 19 CFR part 191 and also qualify for TFTEA privileges for claims under 19 CFR part 190.

Drawback claimants are further advised that CORE privilege applications without a claim under 19 CFR part 191 on file by 2/24/19 will not be processed under 19 CFR part 191. Claimants should modify these applications, which will not be applicable to any claims under 19 CFR part 191, and submit additional information to comply with TFTEA requirements (19 CFR part 190), which will be applicable to all claims filed on or after 2/24/19.

Direct questions regarding this update to OTDRAWBACK@cbp.dhs.gov.