CSMS Message: 19-000135

Title:Document Image System (DIS) File Name and Document Label Guidance for CBMA
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Effective January 1, 2018, the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2017 (CBMA) (as contained in Pub. L. No. 115-97) amended the Internal Revenue Code with respect to the tax treatment of certain alcoholic beverages. The provisions of the CBMA are effective during calendar years 2018 and 2019.

On October 16, 2018, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued procedures and requirements for filing CBMA claims via CSMS message # 18-000609. On February 8, 2018, CBP issued CSMS # 000053 to provide updates and clarifications to the procedures and requirements outlined in CSMS message # 18-000609. CBP is aware of inconsistencies in the Document Image System (DIS) CBMA file naming and document labeling guidance in previous CBMA guidance and webinars. CBP is issuing this message to provide the Trade with the correct DIS file names and document labels for the Assignment Certification, CBMA Controlled Group Spreadsheet and the CBMA Spreadsheet.

Assignment Certification

File Name:
CBP156-[Assigning_Entity_Name]_[Calendar Year]_Assignment_Certification.pdf
Example: CBP156-BeerWorx_2018_Assignment_Certification.pdf
Associate with: IOR Number

CBMA Controlled Group Spreadsheet

File Name: CBP154-[Controlled_Group_Name]_Controlled_Group_Spreadsheet.xlsx
Example: CBP154-BeerWorx_Controlled_Group_Spreadsheet.xlsx
Associate with: IOR Number

CBMA Spreadsheet

File Name: CBP155-[Entry Number the CBMA Spreadsheet is Linked to]_CBMA_Spreadsheet.xlsx
Example: CBP155-123456789_CBMA_Spreadsheet.xlsx
Associate with: earliest entry number referenced in the spreadsheet

Additionally, CBP initially instructed filers/importer to replace the Assignment Certifications in DIS that did not include the calendar year in the file name. CBP has since created a technical work-around for obtaining the calendar year for previously submitted Assignment Certifications. CBP will “grandfather in” Assignment Certifications previously submitted which do not include the calendar year in the file name. Filers are not required to replace Assignment Certifications submitted prior to this guidance if the Certification is otherwise valid and correctly completed. However, new Assignment Certifications must contain the calendar year in the file name as described above.

Note: Filers are encouraged to review their previously submitted CBMA documents. With the exception of Assignment Certifications which do not include a calendar year in the file name, filers are advised to replace all other incorrectly named or labeled CBMA documents to reduce the risk of a claim being liquidated without the benefit of the CBMA rate. When replacing documents, adhere strictly to the file naming and labeling conventions described above, regardless of the name/label of the original file.

The CBMA documents on cbp.gov and webinar presentations have been updated to reflect the correct DIS file names and document labels.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact CBMA@cbp.dhs.gov. CBP encourages trade members to continue to visit the CBMA page on CBP.gov at https://www.cbp.gov/trade/basic-import-export/craft-beverage-modernization-tax-reform-act-2017.

Related CSMS No. 19-000053, 18-000708, 18-000609