Title: | ACE PRODUCTION Scheduled Maintenance, Sat. Apr 27, 2019@ 2200 to 0400 ET Sun. Apr 28 |
Date: | 2019-04-26 |
To: | abi,acep,acer,air,export,newace,ocean,partner,rail,truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
There will be ACE PRODUCTION Scheduled Maintenance Saturday evening, April 27, 2019 from 2200 ET to 0400 ET Sunday, April 28, 2019 for the following ACE Deployments:
CBPF-5106 - Importer Accounts
• Ability to process KI (Importer/Bond Query) messages with multiple B-Y blocks.
• Update rule 056 to include the two Chapter 99 number associated to the 301 remedy (9903.88.02, 9903.88.03).
• Update rule 112 (HTS NBR MISMATCH) to make it informational rather than fatal.
• Update rule 519 (HTS NBR NOT ALLOWED UNDER BASKET PROVISION #{htsnbr}) to remove the wine provision (74) from the list of provisions that are checked for the basket provision rule (i.e. wine claims can now use ‘other, other’ HTS codes)