CSMS Message: 19-000321

Title:ACE Collections CERT Testing Now Open
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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is planning to deploy Collections functionality in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) using a phased approach. The first release will focus on ACH processing and is currently planned to deploy in late summer 2019. Additional capabilities planned for later releases will include other receivables and collections, refunds and cashiers/non-cashiers, and billing and debt collection.

CERT testing for the first release is now open and available for the Trade. In order to participate in the ACH Debit CERT testing, users will be required to submit a request for a Payer Unit Number (PUN) to be created for them. In addition, CERT testing users will need to ensure that they are set up for Periodic Monthly Statements (PMS) in ACE Accounts. In order to request a PUN, be set up for PMS in ACE accounts, or if you have questions related to ACE Collections first release, please reach out to CollectionsCapabilityOwners@cbp.dhs.gov

CBP has updated the "ACH Debit Authorization/Entry Summary Presentation" CATAIR chapter and has published it on https://www.cbp.gov/trade/ace/catair under "Chapters: Drafts for Future Capabilities" heading. And tThe "ABI Batch and Block Control", "PF Daily Statement", "MS Periodic Monthly Statement", and "Statements Updates" chapters have been updated to reflect the use of the new ACH Authorization.

Please continue to monitor CSMS and www.cbp.gov/ace for more updates on deployments of Collections functionality in ACE.