CB35u—Manufacturer Identification Code
Subscriber price: $24.00, Non-subscriber price: $35.00
Estimated total study time: 2 hours 4 minutes
This is a short one-hour course on the manufacturer identification code. It details when one is required, how it is created and common errors to avoid.
The Manufacturer Identification Code
(Estimated study time: 2 hours 4 minutes)
- Introduction to this Lesson
- Introduction to the Manufacturer Identification Code
- Manufacturer Identification Code (MID) Uses
- Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) MID Application
- Type of MID for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases
- Active MID Requirement for CTPAT
- A Different Type of MID is Required for Dangerous Goods
- ELVIS and eCert Require a MID
- MID Requirement for HTSUS Chapter 98
- MID's for Importer Security Filing
- Information Required in Ruling Requests
- Actual MIDs for Textile & Apparel
- Creating the Manufacturer's Identification (MID) Code
- Common Errors and Penalty Situations
- Entry Rejects and Penalties Applicable to Issues with Manufacturers ID
- Manufacturer ID Rules for Specific Countries
- Manufacturers in the United States
- Manufacturers in Canada
- Manufacturers in China, Hong Kong and Macau
- Manufacturers in Germany and Italy
- Manufacturers in Great Britain
- Manufacturers in Indonesia, Portugal, and Russia
- Manufacturers in Monaco, Singapore, Vatican City
- Other Frequent Country Code Errors
- Manufacturer ID Rules for Cities
- Mis-Spelling and Errors Due to Language
- Other Frequent City Code Errors