From: Dominican Republic
To: Anywhere
From: Dominican Republic
To: Argentina
From: Anywhere
To: Argentina

Important: Be sure to check both general and product-based categories for relevant information. Product-based categories include parts and accessories unless otherwise specified. See disclaimer below and use independent care before relying on this information.

Argentina: Import (general)

General import regulations and requirements

(Last updated on 2024-06-08)

Customs clearance procedures and requirements

For detailed Customs information contact:

Simplified import procedure:

(Last updated on 2024-10-31)

Samples, low value and non-commercial importations

Imports valued less than USD 3,000.00 (~ EUR 2,650.00 / ~ ARS 30,475.00) and weighing less than 50kg (110lbs.) may be cleared using the Simplified import procedure.

De Minimis Threshold:

Note on De minimis value: If the value is below the de minimis threshold, imports may be exempted from customs duties and/or taxes and VAT. De minimis values and rules differ by country. For de minimis information by country, please see:

(Last updated on 2024-08-31)

Import customs tariff

Argentina uses the MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature for tariff classification, based on and consistent with the Harmonized Tariff System (HTS).

Since December 2015, the System for Import Control has replaced the old DJAI (Sworn Affidavit of Intent to Import) as Argentina’s new import verification mechanism. Despite the end of the DJAI, a registration for an import license remains required for all imports, under one of two categories – automatic import license, or non-automatic import license. Once obtained, these licenses remains valid for 90 days.

Argentina has issued a new list of exceptions to Mercosur import duty decisions to reduce from 10% to 2% the duty on aluminum fluorides classified under NCM 2826.12.00. It also has formally adopted a separate July 2015 decision by the Common Market Council to extend the mechanism that allows Mercosur countries to have a national list of exceptions to the Mercosur common external tariff. This exception will apply to up to 100 tariff lines through 31 Dec. 2021. The new list of tariff lines includes a range of items classified in HS Chapters: 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 28, 29, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 48, 54, 58, 59, 70, 72, 73, 78, 84, 85 and 87. Note: In January 2013, Argentina raised import tariffs on certain products from non-MERCOSUR countries to 35% from 22%.

Reference import prices/values may apply to certain products.

Argentina assesses a value added tax (VAT) (Impeusto al valor agregado [IVA]) of:

Additional levies which may apply:

Some products such as tobacco, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages among others, fall under the domestic tax regime.

For information on tariffs and Customs regulations contact: Dirección General de Aduanas, Dept. de Tecnicas de Importacion, (Dept. for Import Technology, National Customs Administration), Azopardo 350, 1st floor, AR-1328 Buenos Aires; phone: +54 11 0810 999 2347; email:

For worldwide tariff information please see:

(Last updated on 2024-10-31)

Customs valuation basis

Specific duty rates (DIEMs) apply to certain products. Minimum specific duties apply to certain textile products, footwear, peaches, and toys.

Ad valorem duties are based on the CIF value of the goods (at port of entry in Argentina). For items subject to ad valorem duties, the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement applies.

Certain products may be subject to "mixed duties" which consists of a combination of ad valorem and specific duties.

The dutiable value will be determined by Customs based on the importer's declaration.

According to the WTO Valuation Agreement there are six acceptable methods of determining Customs value. Typically the first method is used (unless the buyer and seller are related parties). When the value cannot be obtained this way, or is rejected by Customs, one of the other methods is to be used, in descending order:

See additional information on the WTO website under WTO Customs Valuation.

(Last updated on 2017-06-23)

General import license/permit requirements

Argentina has transitioned to a new Statistical Import System (SEDI), replacing SIRA, the previous system of Argentina. Under the new system, import procedures have been simplified and the requirement for import licenses eliminated.

(Last updated on 2024-06-08)

Prohibited or highly restricted imports

Prohibited items include:

This country prohibits imports of hazardous waste as per the Basel Convention. For additional information see: Basel Convention (select country for details).

(Last updated on 2024-06-08)

Foreign exchange controls and letters of credit

Foreign exchange is controlled by the government through the:

The unit of currency is the ARS = Argentine Peso [$] (subdivided into 100 Centavos).

(Last updated on 2024-10-31)

Pre-shipment requirements

A pre-shipment inspection may be required for certain products.

For more information contact:

(Last updated on 2024-07-25)

Commercial invoice

One original and three (3) copies of a commercial invoice are required for commercial shipments.

The original invoice should say "Original Invoice". Photocopies, carbons or faxed copies may not be used as an original invoice.

The invoice should be written in Spanish; or, if English is used, a Spanish translation must be shown immediately below the English text.

For airfreight shipments, documents in most cases should accompany cargo AWB.

For non-commercial shipments, prepare a pro-forma invoice.

(Last updated on 2020-02-16)

Packing list

A packing list, in Spanish, is required.

Consular legalization of the packing list may be required in certain instances. Check with the importer for exact requirements.

In general, even when it is not required by regulation, it is recommended that a packing list be used with all shipments containing more than one shipping unit of packaged cargo. Most countries require a packing list be provided together with the commercial invoice. The required information must be consistent with all information shown on the commercial invoice.

At least three (3) copies of the packing list should be included as part of the shipping documents sent to the consignee or the agent thereof. The exact contents of each package should be clearly identified. This should include each item's gross weight and net weight and each package's marks and numbers.

(Last updated on 2017-12-19)

Transport document

A properly prepared transport document is required for transportation purposes and as a source document for customs clearance.

At least one (1) negotiable copy of a transport document is required. An original and additional non-negotiable copies are recommended as they may be required by the importer, the shipping line, or for a letter of credit. Make sure that the importer's instructions are being followed to the letter.

Include ship's name, name of its captain, its tonnage and place of registry. Show marks and numbers for total shipment and separately for each package. Include information about freight charges and payment particulars ("freight prepaid" or "Freight Payable at Destination"). Freight charges must be shown on the B/L.

For ocean cargo, an ocean bill of lading is required. On B/L signatures of shipper and captain must be written manually. Electronic documents with electronic signatures are accepted if the certifying company has completed the necessary licensing procedures.

For air cargo, an air waybill (AWB) replaces the bill of lading used for ocean freight. Nine (9) copies on a standard IATA AWB form are required. On an airway bill, freight forwarding and/or agent's fees may not be on a freight collect basis, as these fees must be prepaid.

(Last updated on 2023-03-28)

Certificate of Origin (general)

Certificate of origin (CO, C/O) may be required for: consumer goods; textiles; footwear; apparel; printing machines and machine tools; organic chemicals; tires; bicycle parts; flat-rolled iron and steel; certain iron and steel tubes; air conditioning equipment; wood fiberboard; fabrics; toys; games; brooms; and brushes. It is required for imported wine.

A certificate of origin is also required when claiming preferential treatment under trade agreements.

It may be required by importer, bank, contract terms, or letter of credit.

When required, prepare three (3) copies using the general form.

Document must also be certified by local chamber of commerce and receive consular legalization.

(Last updated on 2019-03-15)

Official cargo insurance requirements

Insurance certificate is required when exporter is party purchasing insurance.

In general, any shipper, wishing to protect his interest in the cargo in the event of loss or damage prior to delivery to ultimate consignee should cover his cargo with either an FOB/FAS clause, or contingency insurance clause coverage.

Such marine insurance may be obtained from any insurance company.

(Last updated on 2017-12-19)

Wood packing materials

ISPM-15 has been adopted by this country.

General Information regarding WPM:

For a listing of countries that have adopted ISPM-15 requirements see:

For IPPC contact information by country see: International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), and select "Countries".

(Last updated on 2025-01-25)

Shipment packaging and marking requirements

Special marking and packaging regulations apply to many products. Special regulations apply to perishable and flammable products. Consult with the importer for current and by-product requirements.

In general, follow standard shipping practices.

(Last updated on 2018-10-26)

Product packaging/labeling requirements

Product-specific packaging and labeling requirements may apply to food products.

All products must be labeled in accordance with these legal requirements:

Product label must be printed and fixed on package or container in a visible manner:

Additional labeling requirements apply to certain products, such as:

For more information on labeling requirements, contact: Subsecretaría del Consumidor, Secretaría de Comercio Interior, Ministerio de Economía y Produccion, Ave. Julio A. Roca 651, 4th Floor, Of. 26, AR-C1067ABB Buenos Aires; phone: +54 11 4349 4075; fax: +54 11 4349 3755 (website is in Spanish)

In some cases, government regulatory bodies of each industry provide information on corresponding labeling requirements.

U.N. recommendations for labeling and packing of hazardous materials have been adopted according to International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code).

Additional packaging requirements apply to certain products such as fruits and vegetables.

Additional product packaging and/or labeling requirements may apply to particular types of products. Refer to the product-based information for the product you are considering to import or export. An exporter should also verify with its prospective importer in the destination country as to requirements for a specific product to be shipped.

(Last updated on 2023-02-13)


Product standards are regulated by:

Also see ISO Standards Membership.

(Last updated on 2022-07-14)

Important: Exercise independent care before relying on information contained herein. Although we strive to ensure all information is correct and current, GISTnet assumes no liability for detrimental reliance on this information. Trade requirements may change with little or no prior notification, de-facto requirements in certain countries vary from official regulations, and particular shipments and/or importers may have special destination customs arrangements. We encourage you to check with the importer or its customs agent in the destination country for specific importation requirements for specific products and circumstances. We ask your help with feedback ( concerning information which may be outdated or incomplete.