CSMS Message: 08-000128

Title:Upcoming ACE capabilities will be delayed
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The fall 2008 deployment of upcoming Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Rail and Sea Manifest (M1) capabilities will be delayed by a projected six to eight months due to problems discovered during testing the new software.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has been working diligently to execute an ambitious ACE development schedule. Most recent efforts have focused on the testing of M1, which will allow vessel and rail carriers to use ACE when submitting advance cargo information. The primary driver for the schedule delay is problems discovered during software testing. Another contributing factor has been the addition of new requirements to the project. Mindful of the critical role of these capabilities to both the government and the trade community, CBP is delaying their deployment to ensure they are thoroughly tested and functioning properly. As a result of the M1 schedule slip, an additional four to six month delay is projected for the early 2009 deployment of initial ACE entry summary capabilities.

CBP is in the process of determining the impact these delays will have on the entire ACE schedule. CBP senior management has ordered an independent review of ACE to ensure that everything possible is being done to continue the successful deployment of new capabilities. In the near future, a new ACE release schedule will be published. This schedule will show that the Cargo Release portion of ACE has been moved to a higher priority. The Cargo Release portion of ACE is critical to many of the participating government agencies CBP is working with as part of the International Trade Data System process.

ACE remains a top priority for the Department of Homeland Security and CBP. CBP is committed to delivering high quality capabilities to its employees and its partners in both government and the trade community.

Please refer any questions to the Cargo Systems Program Office at: cbpcspo@cbp.dhs.gov.