Title: | ACE Weekend Deployment |
Date: | 2008-07-25 |
To: | abi,acep,cue,tran,truck |
Links: | previous, next |
On Saturday night July 26th ACE will deploy into the Production environment the following PTRs. Over time you may have developed “work-a-round” procedures to accommodate for situations that the following PTR's have addressed. Please take advantage of the new procedures.
PTR# 13821
You may have experienced a problem deleting shipments from e-Manifests in the past. A fix has been delivered to ACE e-Manifest trucks addressing scenarios surrounding error message “Error: Row being deleted from 'ZTZTR_SHP' is check table for 'ZTZTR_SHP_ENV' field 'NTRNL_SHPMT_ID'. Does this look familiar? If so please give it another try rather than what ever “work around” you may be using, like deleting the whole manifest and resubmitting it. One scenario that generated this problem was when you tried to delete a shipment that involved Food and Drug / Bio-Terrorism Act information. If the Prior Notice (PN) information was being supplied either via a “QP” electronic in-bond declaration or it was being supplied directly to Food and Drug's via their Prior Notice System Interface (PNSI) instead of thought an ABI Customs Entry you would not been able to delete the shipment from a manifest and instead you would have received the mentioned error message.
PTR # 21507
If in the past you have sent a special character in a driver's name such as Jose Peña or French Canadian city like Québec, ACE would accept the manifest but certain notifications that were suppose to be sent back to the carrier were failing. These types of special characters will no longer cause these failures.
PTR # 20450
You can now put one shipment on two trailers of the same trip and it will not cause an error.
PTR # 19745
When a Transmission Reference Numbers (TRN) is sent to ACE in an EDIFACT CUSREP message ACE will now return the number in the EDIFACT CUSRES accept/reject message. This was not happening when carriers were reporting the arrival or export of in-bond shipments. This number is returned in the FTX segment.
PTR # 21439
When using the manual process of linking a QP in-bond shipment to an e-Manifest and the QP filer reports NC in the equipment record ACE will now accept the QP. This action failed in the past.
PTR #15158
When carriers updated the “In-bond Destination Port” or the “Bonded Carrier IRS Number” in a ACE Portal e-Manifest and saved the record but did not send it to CBP the changed data would not be saved and would revert to the originally entered information. This situation has been corrected to enable ACE to accept and retain the updated information.