CSMS Message: 09-000217

Title:Do not ignore new status codes SUV / STV or SN119 / SN120 in your e-Manifest – Your ACE e-Manifest may be rejected in the future if you do not resolve this WHTI or Citizenship issue!
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As of April 26th the ACE Truck e-Manifest program has been generating warning messages regarding the upcoming June 1st requirement to report an appropriate Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) compliant travel document. In addition, a warning message is being generated when a country of citizenship is not on file in ACE for a truck driver or crew member. The new status codes are…

• SUV (ANSI X.12) or SN120 (UN/EDIFACT) or “Drv Acct No WHTI Doc” (ACE Secure Data portal) = These messages indicate that no WHTI compliant travel document was reported in the manifest OR the driver's ACE account record needs to be updated to include a WHTI document. Beginning June 1, manifests may be rejected if an appropriate WHTI document has not been supplied in the e-Manifest. A driver's ACE account is required to be updated if a WHTI compliant travel document is reported in the manifest AND one of these status codes is returned. Beginning June 1, manifests may also be rejected if a driver's ACE account does not include a WHTI document.

• STV (ANSI X.12) or SN119 (UN/EDIFACT) or “Drv Acct No Citznshp” (ACE Secure Data portal) = These messages indicate that the driver's ACE account record needs to be updated to include the driver's country of citizenship.

If a driver or crew member's appropriate WHTI compliant travel document is not supplied in an ACE e-Manifest, either via the EDI transmission or via the ACE Portal “One Time Driver” feature, the filer of the manifest will receive one of the above status codes. If this is the case you should amend the manifest and supply the driver's WHTI travel document. If the appropriate data is supplied and the carrier still receives one of these messages then the driver's details have, at some time in the past, been saved in a carrier's ACE account without the citizenship or appropriate WHTI travel document.

The details of a driver, other than a driver that maintains a Free And Secure Trade (FAST) card, can be stored or modified in ACE master data only by one of two methods:

1) by a carrier or service provider storing or modifying the driver's information via the ACE Secure Data Portal; or
2) by storing or modifying the driver's information in ACE via the filing of the UN/EDIFACT EDI message known as MEDPID.

Driver/crew master data is not created or modified in ACE from data filed in an ACE e-Manifest. When an e-Manifest is filed, ACE will use the driver information that is filed in the manifest to look for a master data record for that driver. If no master data is found in ACE the edit for citizenship and WHTI compliant travel document will be run against the driver/crew data supplied in the manifest.

If a driver's master data is found, ACE will use the master data to run edits for citizenship and WHTI compliant documents. Because of this, it is possible to send country of citizenship and an approved WHTI travel document with a manifest and still receive one or both of the above listed status codes. To rectify the problem the manifest or the driver's ACE master data must be updated by the aforementioned methods. If you are uncertain of how to do this please contact your software provider or the Technology Support Center at 1-866-530-4172 or cbp.technology.support@dhs.gov.

If your software provider wishes to develop the UN/EDIFACT MEDPID message, they should contact their CBP Client Representative. Software developers or carriers who have developed their own e-Manifest software using the ANSI X.12 EDI standard must understand that the only EDI method of creating or updating Driver's ACE master data is via the UN/EDIFACT message known as MEDPID. No ANSI X.12 equivalent to the MEDPID is currently supported in ACE. Software providers who choose to assist their carrier customers, but are unwilling to support the UN/EDIFACT MEDPID message, are welcome to establish an ACE Secure Data Portal Account. Within the Portal Account, the software provider can manually update driver information in ACE on behalf of and with the permission of their customers.

For more information regarding these status messages and the ACE Secure Data Portal refer to the attached document.

For more information regarding the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative go to www.getyouhome.gov


Referenced By

CSMS #09-000231