Title: | QX/WX Air In-bond Functionality Will be Available in Production on August 8th, 2011. |
Date: | 2011-08-03 |
To: | abi,acep,air |
Links: | previous, next |
ATTN: ABI Software Developers and Other Interested Parties
QX in-bond requests may be transmitted for air waybills that have been established in the Air Automated Manifest System.
Important points to remember:
- QX in-bonds must be requested at the simple and house bill levels.
- When applicable, previous in-bond numbers must be transmitted with subsequent in-bond requests.
- Previous in-bonds must be arrived before a subsequent in-bond request is transmitted.
- Partial piece counts are not permitted with QX (either space fill or zero fill)
- In-bond requests for split air waybills must match the arrival information transmitted by the Air Carrier for each part
- In-bond requests for split air waybills must have a unique in-bond control number for each part arrival.
The revised CATAIR Chapter Air In-Bond (Application identifiers QX/WX) can be found at the following url:
Questions related to this message should be directed to your assigned Client Representative.