CSMS Message: 12-000079

Title:Korea FTA Information Available on CBP Website
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The U.S.—Korea Free Trade Agreement (UKFTA) enters into force in the United States for goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after March 15, 2012.

The information indicated below is available on the CBP website at
http://cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trade/trade_programs/international_agreements/free_trade/korea/ or by searching “Korea” in the search box located at www.cbp.gov and selecting the associated Smart Link.

• U.S. – Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Instructions (How to make a claim, certification of origin, and other pertinent information.)

• USITC Publication 4308 (HTSUS General Note 33 text including the rules of origin, tariff change rules, and staging rates)

• Text of the U.S.—Korea Free Trade Agreement

• Presidential Proclamation 8783

• U.S. – Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Public Law 112-41, 125 Stat. 428)

Inquirers are strongly encouraged to reference the aforementioned before contacting CBP for guidance.

Referenced By

CSMS #12-000094