Title: | ACE CERTIFICATION Entry Summary items Not Deployed Thursday, 6/23/2016 |
Date: | 2016-06-23 |
To: | abi,newace,partner |
Links: | previous, original, next |
Please be advised that for the ACE CERTIFICATION Entry Summary deployment this morning Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 0700 ET, several items which had been announced in CSMS# 16-000509 were not able to deploy due to a technical issue:
Entry Summary Validations (ESV)
• Initial deployment to CERT of the License, Permits, Certificates and Visas (LPC) Validation service.
• Ticket 2674589/CES-4964: System did not return the AX with ‘non-standard data found’ (AX will now return message when non-standard data, like a carriage return, is found in the input data)
• CES-5139: Backing out logic for CES-3007 (Duty/Revenue Free summaries that are single pay should go into CBP control immediately) from Production (CES-3007 was deployed to Prod in error. CBP Control will now only be triggered by ACS.)