Title: | Item added to the ACE Production Deployment this weekend |
Date: | 2018-11-09 |
To: | abi,air,newace,ocean,rail,truck |
Links: | previous, original, next |
An item has been added to this weekend's ACE PRODUCTION Deployment (Saturday evening 2200 ET to 0400 ET Sunday):
• Reject FTZ admission transaction with a Bill Not Found error if a bill number is not supplied when required by the specification.
The above is in addition to the 2 items already announced on CSMS# 18-000666:
ACE Entry Summary Query
• Entry Summary (ES) Query JE records (the JE record consists of ES estimated amount fields) were not being included in Block Control Y record's Output Image/Record Count.
ACE Import Truck Manifest
• Fixed an issue with X.12 353 Truck In-bond arrival and export transactions rejecting with a 'BL Not On File or Deleted' error whenever the SCAC for the Trip and the Shipment Control Number (SCN) were different.